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Working within Accountancy and Taxation, we are always evolving our services, keeping in line with new government legislation and exploring new technology to support our digital accountancy services.

Let Property Campaign

Let Property Campaign

The Let Property Campaign provides landlords who have undeclared income from residential property lettings in the UK or abroad with an opportunity to regularise their affairs by disclosing any

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Your stake in your business

Your stake in your business

Ever wondered how your stake in your business is represented in your accounts?

The answer can be found at the bottom of your balance sheet. Simply put it is the value of your physical business assets

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Gains on sale of shares

Gains on sale of shares

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is normally charged at a simple flat rate of 20% (but see comments below) when you sell shares unless they are in a CGT free investment such as an ISA or qualifying pension.

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Labour win landslide election result

Labour win landslide election result

As had been widely predicted, the results at the polls have seen the Labour Party back in power after 14 years in opposition. Labour have swept into power with their second-largest majority whilst the

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Inheritance and tax

Inheritance and tax

As a general rule, an individual who inherits property, money or shares is not liable to pay tax on the inheritance. This is because any Inheritance Tax (IHT) due should be paid out of the deceased’s

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Company filing obligations

Company filing obligations

It is important that anyone responsible for the accounts and tax filing regime for private limited companies is aware of their obligations.

After the end of its financial year, a private limited

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Business VAT responsibilities

Business VAT responsibilities

The taxable turnover threshold that determines whether businesses should be registered for VAT is currently £85,000. Businesses with turnover below this level can also apply for a voluntary VAT

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