Assets made available to an employee

Assets made available to an employee

Assets such as computers, televisions and bicycles that are made available to employees can create certain tax, National Insurance and reporting obligations. There is no requirement to report anything to HMRC if the asset is office equipment only used for...
Year end payroll reporting

Year end payroll reporting

It is not that long until the current 2023-24 tax year comes to an end and there are a number of year end payroll chores that must be completed. This includes sending a final PAYE submission for the tax year. The last Full Payment Submission (FPS) needs to be...
Reporting early payment of wages before Christmas

Reporting early payment of wages before Christmas

There is a permanent easement in place for employers to report PAYE information in real time over the Christmas period. This can be for a number of reasons, for example, during the Christmas period the business may close meaning workers need to be paid earlier...
Increase in National Living Wage

Increase in National Living Wage

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, confirmed that the government has committed to the proposals of the Low Pay Commission for increasing minimum wage rates from 1 April 2024. The actual wage rate recommendations of the Low Pay Commission are expected to be...