When you can and cannot use the Rent-a-Room Scheme

When you can and cannot use the Rent-a-Room Scheme

The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. If you are using this scheme, you should ensure that rents received from lodgers during the current tax year do not exceed £7,500. The tax exemption is...
Reporting self-employed profits 2023-24

Reporting self-employed profits 2023-24

The basis of assessment reforms will change the way trading income is allocated to tax years. The changes will affect sole traders and partnerships that use an accounting date between 6 April and 30 March. There is no change to the rule for companies. The reforms will...
Do you need to register for Self-Assessment?

Do you need to register for Self-Assessment?

Taxpayers that need to complete a Self-Assessment return for the first time are required to notify HMRC. This is a final reminder that the latest date that HMRC should be notified, by new Self-Assessment taxpayers, for the 2022-23 tax year, is 5 October 2023. The...
Who is a Scottish taxpayer?

Who is a Scottish taxpayer?

The Scottish rate of income (SRIT) is payable on the non-savings and non-dividend income of those defined as Scottish taxpayers. This means that Scottish taxpayers who also have savings and dividend income need to consider the UK rates as well as the Scottish rates...
Higher rate tax relief on gifts to charities

Higher rate tax relief on gifts to charities

The gift aid scheme, which was originally introduced in 1990, allows charities to reclaim from HMRC the basic rate of Income Tax deducted from qualifying donations by UK taxpayers. This means that where a basic rate taxpayer claims gift aid on a £100...